Monday, October 21, 2013

In the spirit of Halloween.....

Do you belive in ghosts?

    First off, I am a firm believer in spirits still roaming the earth if there is unfinished business that they have or that they are a tormented soul.  Any way to get to what I was talking about, it all started when I was a child.  I had to of been about five or six years old.  My mother, sister, me, and my mothers boyfriend(my father died when I was two years old) moved into a house in a nice suburban neighborhood in a quiet town.  It was a great move for us for my sister and I went to elementary school and that school was literally across the street from us.  After we had moved into the house every thing was great, my mom and boyfriend had their room, my sister and I shared a room and there was an office for another room(besides the living room, kitchen and other normal rooms for a house).  It all started after a few months of living there....

     My sister and I would go to bed every night at a decent time, you know for young kids(my sister was two years older than me).  But every night that we went to bed if the closet door was open we would see a figure of a man standing in the closet.  He was a glowing white color kind of see through but not if you can picture it.  But we would always tell our mother about it and of coarse she would think we were just being childish like any parent would with kids being scared of the dark and all.  But after time went by when she (my mother) would be awake watching tv in the living room she would  see something or someone walk by in the reflection of the wall unit glass by the tv coming from our room.  After seeing that she would go check on us and see if we were asleep or walking to the kitchen to grab a drink or a midnight snack or something of the sort, but little did she know we were sound asleep the whole time.  It would start to freak her out from time to time of seeing it.  As time goes by my mom and her boyfriend separated(after a year or two) and my sister took over the room that was the office.

    At this time I had to of been about eight or so and that would make my sister about ten.  Once again it was just me, my sister, and my mom living on our own.  I would still see this figure in my closet every night that the closet was left open.  I thought i was crazy, I even asked my sister after time if she had remembered the man in the closet.  She would say that I was stupid and didn't know what I was talking about(which later on when we were older she admitted to remembering it).  I would have friends spend the night and leave the closet door open on purpose to see if they would notice it, and just to my expectancy they would see it and as the lights were out they would ask me "uh...who the hell is in your closet and why are they just standing there?".  I would reply "don't worry about him he is just the man in the closet, he is harmless and stays there all night".  Needless to say I had became friends if you could say with my ghost in the closet.

    This went on for years with the man in the closet and people seeing him there.  My mother still kept seeing people leaving my room through the reflection in the middle of the night.  The bathroom sink by my room would turn on by itself.  Noises would be creaking by my door and many many other sightings and odd occurrences in that house this is just the first chapter of the ghost stories in my life.  There will be many more to come so definitely keep checking because this is just the beginning the best or worst you could say is still to come!  This was a little spark in my life that had brought interest to me of everything that is unexplainable and made me the man that I am today. 

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